
인과와 인과추론 | Causality and Causal inference

인과, 인과추론의 개념과 관련 이론 (Back-door, Do-calculus) 들을 알아봅시다.

구조적 인과 모델(SCM)은 관측과 개입을 통해 인과 관계를 설명하는데 도움을 줍니다.

Back-door 기준은 인과 관계를 확인하고 혼동을 줄이는 데 도움이 되며, Do-계산법은 확률을 처리하는 데 유용한 규칙을 제공합니다.



  • Influence by shich one event, process, state, or object a contributes to the production of another event, process, state, or object where the cause is partly responsible for the effect, and the effect is partly dependent on the cause.
  • Causality in various academic disciplines
    • Physics, chemistry,biology, climate science
    • Psychology, social science, economics
    • Epidemiology, public health
  • Relation to AI, ML, DS
    • AI : a rational agent performing actions to achieve a goal (reinforcement learning)
    • ML : currently focused on learning correlations
    • DS : capture, process, analyze, communicate with data


Structural Causal Model (SCM)

  • SCM \(M = <U,V,F,P(U)>\) provides a formal framework.
  • SCM induces observational, interventional, and counterfactual distributions.
  • SCM induces a causal graph \(g\), which implies conditional independencies testable via d-separation (blockage).
  • The underlying model \(M\) is unknown but the causal graph \(g\) can be given from common sense or domain knowledge.
  • Intervention do(X=x) as a submodel Mx, which induces a manipulated causal graph \(g_\bar{x}\).
  • Causal effect of \(X=x\) on \(Y=y\) is defined as \(P(y\mid{do(x)})\).


  • Identifiability : causal effect may be computable from existing observational data for some causal graphs.
  • In a Markovian case an singleton X, a causal effect can be easily derivable by canceling output \(P(x\mid{pa_x})\)


Back-door Criterion

  • DefinitionBack-door

    • Find a set \(Z\) s.t. it can sufficiently explain ‘confounding’ between \(X\) and \(Y\). Then,
  • DefinitionㅣBack-door criterion

    • A set \(Z\) satisfies the back-door criterion with respect to a pair of variables \(X, Y\) in causal diagram \(g\) if;
      • (i) no node in \(Z\) is a descendant of \(X\); and
      • (ii) $Z$ blocks every path between X ∈ \(X\) and Y ∈ \(Y\) that contains an arrow into X.
  • A back-door adjustment formula is simple and widely used but limited.

Back-door sets as substitutes of the direct parents of X

  • Rain satisfies the back-door criterion relative to Sprinkler ans Wet:
    • (i) Rain is not descendant of Sprinkler, and
    • (ii) Rain blocks the only back-door path from Sprinkler to Wet.
  • Adjusting for the direct parents of Sprinkler, we have:


Rules of Do-calculus

  • Backdoor criterion results in a very specific form of indentification formula.

  • Do-calculus (Pearl, 1995) provides general machinery to manipulate observational and interventional distributions.

  • TheoremㅣRules of Do-calculus (simplified)

    • Rule 1 : Adding/removing observations
    • Rule 2 : Action/observation exchange
    • Rule 3 : Adding/removing actions
  • Do-calculus is sound and complete but it has no algorithmic insight
  • A graphical condition and an efficient algorithmic procedure have developed for identifiability.

  • Do-calculus is a set of rules to manipulate observational or interventional probabilites. (Do-calculus is complete)


Modern Identification Tasks

  • Experimental conditions ➔ Generalized identification

    • Combining datasets of different experimental conditions

    • The identifiability of any expression of the form \(P(y\mid{do(x), z})\) can be determined given any causal graph \(g\) and an arbitrary combination of observational and experimental studies.
    • If the query is identifiable, then its estimand can be derived in polynomial time.
  • Environmental conditions ➔ Transportability

    • Combining datasets from different sources

    • Non-parametric transportability can be determined provided that the problem instance is encoded in selection diagrams.
    • When transportability is feasible, the transport formula can be derived in polynomial time.
    • The causal calculus and the corresponding transportation algorithm are complete.
  • Sampling conditons ➔ Recovering from selection bias

    • Nonparametric recoverability of selection bias from causal and statistical settings can be determined provided that an augmented causal graph is available.
    • When recoverability is feasible, the estimated can be derived in polynomial time.
    • The result is complete for pure recoverability, and sufficient for recoverability with external information.
  • Responding conditons ➔ Recovering from missingness



본 포스팅은 LG Aimers 프로그램에서 학습한 내용을 기반으로 작성된것입니다. (전체 내용 X)

  1. LG Aimers AI Essential Course Module 5. 인과추론, 서울대학교 이상학 교수
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